Our principles
The constitution of Forex Fund Ltd., originated from our higher ambition: To offer mundane earnings from the invested capital. Surely, we do not intend to follow the “growth or die” 90’s decade model, exactly because it has been attested as inefficient in the active environment. On the contrary, our products are been designed under two main principles:
a) Rationalization, and
b) Improvement of the fundamental relation between risk and yield, in favor of our clients.
Anyway, we feel the need to primarily point out that we do not believe in the myth of Low & High Risk Markets. We have adopted the principle that the appliance of the appropriate risk management tools upon the growth tactics of the investment itself produces higher earnings, or the opposite. Let’s not forget that the majority of the bigger investment firms suffer from the “X inadequacy” syndrome. For that reason, the status of Plus Trade on the specific branch of the “investment boutique” renders it notably competitive.
A few words about our Market
The Interbanking Foreign Exchange Market constitutes objectively, the elite of international Markets. Being almost 35 times bigger than New York’s Stock Market in U.S.A., is the center of the commercially, investing and hedging
transactions around the globe. But besides its magnitude and objective sentinels, what really distincts it into a tiptop potency is none other but its main feature: the investment risk that incorporates, depends mainly on macro-economic factors, rather than short-term ones, like for example, stocks investment or corporate debentures. As a result, systemic risk is minimal, as opposed to a stock market investment, while its subject of transactions, which simply is national currency conditioned on other national currencies, substantially excludes any financial hazard.
In simple words, a company whose stocks are being negotiated at any stock market throughout the world – and whatever its size, can easily set a scandal example, like Enron’s – is more likely to be jeopardized with total bankruptcy, always compared to one of the richest countries in the whole world.
Our Portfolio composes of Exchange Rates of the richest countries globally, all G7 members. Specifically, all transactions take place in national currencies, with the greatest global liquidity, such as U.S. Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Canada’s Dollar and Australian Dollar. The Portfolio’s leverage fluctuates between 5:1 and 500:1, so that return volatility can be dealt. Decisions considering the transactions are based on the
principles of the techniques of Economic and non-volatile Dynamic Analysis, and on the appliance of the Chaos Theory on Markets. Moreover, in most cases, “Artificial Intelligence” is being applied as well, via Neural Networks.